Polygons and its Classification

Concept Explanation

Polygons and its Classification

Polygons and Its Classification: A simple closed curve made up of only line segments is called a polygon. Examples of polygons are Squares, Rectangles, Pentagons etc. You should note that The sides of a polygon do not cross each other. For example, the figure given below is not a polygon because its sides cross each other.

Classification of Polygons on the Basis of Number of Sides / Vertices: Polygons are classified according to the number of sides they have. The following lists the different types of polygons based on the number of sides they have:

  • When there are three sides, it is triangle
  • When there are four sides, it is quadrilateral
  • When there are fives sides, it is pentagon
  • When there are six sides, it is hexagon
  • When there are seven sides, it is heptagon
  • When there are  eight sides, it is octagon
  • When there are nine sides, it is nonagon
  • When there are ten sides, it is decagon
  • Diagonals: A diagonal is a line segment connecting two non-consecutive vertices of a polygon. In the given, PR and QS are the diagonals.

    Polygons on the Basis of Shape: Polygons can be classified as concave or convex based on their shape. A concave polygon is a polygon in which at least one of its interior angles is greater than 90∘. Polygons that are concave have at least some portions of their diagonals in their exterior. A convex polygon is a polygon with all its interior angle less than 180∘. Polygons that are convex have no portions of their diagonals in their exterior.

    Polygons on the Basis of Regularity: Polygons can also be classified as regular polygons and irregular polygons on the basis of regularity. When a polygon is both equilateral and equiangular it is called as a regular polygon. In a regular polygon, all the sides and all the angles are equal. Example: Square. A polygon which is not regular i.e. it is not equilateral and equiangular, is an irregular polygon. Example: Rectangle

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    Identify the polgon

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    Question : 2

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